What is an ‘All Out’ Policy?

When planning how to evacuate all people safely out of a building, it’s important to make sure that proper procedures are followed. Different buildings have different strategies to evacuate people in the event of a fire depending on their layout. But the most common one is the ‘one out, all out’ policy. Read on to find out what a ‘one out, all out’ policy and single-stage evacuation are and the importance of organising effective fire evacuation strategies.

Understanding what a ‘One Out, All Out’

A ‘one out, all out’ policy is the most common method of evacuation as it is the most straightforward. Also known as a ‘single stage evacuation’ or a ‘simultaneous evacuation’, the idea is that everybody in the building leaves and heads towards an assembly point. As a simple strategy that is easy to follow, it makes sense to employ this within most premises.

One out, all out policies are typically seen within small premises, such as small businesses. Having a smaller building to evacuate and a smaller amount of people evacuating makes this policy simple to follow in this type of environment. However, different policies are better suited to different building types to effectively evacuate and manage a fire’s spread.

Additional fire evacuation strategies

Depending on your building type or the type of residents, you may choose to utilise different fire evacuation strategies. A single-stage evacuation is used where a building is small enough for this straightforward option to be effective, but not all buildings will benefit.

A ‘stay put’ policy, also known as ‘phased evacuation’ is commonly seen in apartment buildings and high-rise developments. This involves people ‘staying put’ if they are not within the immediate vicinity of a fire. This is done to help firefighters reach a fire more quickly where occupants trying to evacuate en masse may affect their ability to reach it. Simultaneously, a building’s fireproof implements also help to defend the fire when this policy is used and gives firefighters more time to extinguish it as a result.

A ‘one out, all out’ policy can sometimes lead to unnecessary evacuation for people within a premise, so it is not recommended for all buildings. If a building is large enough that occupants can be far enough away from the fire that they are not in danger, it can be wiser to employ this policy. Unnecessary evacuation can lead to a business’ disruption and downtime, so ensure you have the correct policy in place.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ scenario when it comes to implementing fire evacuation strategies within your premises. There are many more policies for different building types and structures that may be better suited to you. The best one for you depends on the size and layout of the building you are plotting the policy for. At NW Fire Solutions, we can help you choose your ideal policy.

The importance of fire evacuations strategies and safety training

It is essential to implement fire safety training in your workplace. Not only to train people to cope in the event of a fire, but as a legal requirement. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that all employees within a workplace receive adequate fire safety training.

At NW Fire Solutions, we offer three different types of fire safety training for your workplace. You can choose from basic fire awareness training, fire marshal training, and fire extinguisher training. 

It is just as important to organise a fire strategy for your premises. Regulation 38 of the Building Regulations requires that you compile a package of safety information for the person responsible for a a building if it is being erected, extended or a material change of use takes place.

We can compile a fire strategy report for you so that you can select the right fire evacuation strategy for you. This will help you to identify escape routes and muster points within your premise and to plan locations for essential safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, emergency lighting and smoke detector heads.

Fire Evacuation Strategies at NW Fire Solutions

At NW Fire Solutions, we offer fire safety training and fire strategy planning to help you to keep your tenants safe and keep your building compliant with fire safety laws. We offer high-quality professional services to ensure you can find the solution your building needs. We have many accreditations, so you can rest assured that you’re using a service that you can trust to do an excellent job.

If you’d like to speak to NW Fire Solutions about fire evacuation strategies or anything else, don’t hesitate to contact us today on 0151 665 0124, or email us at info@nwfiresolutions.co.uk.