Staying safe at work is important for both employers and employees. Nobody wants to get injured while at work, and companies certainly don’t want their staff picking up injuries. For these reasons, it’s imperative that health and safety in the workplace is taken seriously. We’ve compiled some tips for ensuring the safety of staff in the workplace, so continue reading to find out more.

Who is responsible for health and safety in the workplace?

Employers hold most of the responsibility for health and safety in the workplace. However, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states that it is a shared responsibility across the board, between both employer and employee, to ensure that the workplace is safe.

Everybody is responsible for health and safety in the workplace, in some capacity, although the employer must already have set up a safe working environment. It is up to the employees to continue that and work in a safe manner.

Employers are responsible for carrying out a risk assessment to ensure that employees have all the information they need about the hazards and risks in their workplace. A risk assessment involves inspecting the workplace to determine all relevant hazards and putting measures in place to eliminate, reduce or control identified risks.

Tips for health and safety in the workplace>

  • Be aware of potential risks
  • Deliver proper training
  • Reduce stress
  • Take breaks
  • Maintain good posture
  • Use safety equipment
  • Keep emergency exits clear
  • Report unsafe conditions to management
  • Know your limits
  • Comply with company safety policies

Be aware of potential risks

Wherever you work, you must be aware of any potential risks around you. This can include any heavy items you may need to lift or move, or a type of machinery or equipment you’re asked to use.

Know the risks and dangers around you while working and never put yourself at risk.

Deliver proper training

It is an employer’s responsibility to provide adequate training for their staff to ensure that health and safety in the workplace is as good as possible. This includes manual lifting, how to use certain machinery and which safety equipment is required in certain situations and areas.

Reduce stress

A key to reducing injuries in the workplace is to help reduce stress and pressure on the workforce. A stressful environment will lead to complacency at times, which leads to injuries.

Take breaks

Staff must take breaks from work if they’re overtired or overworked. Pushing yourself too far can result in injuries so ensure that proper breaks are taken to rest the mind and body.

Maintain good posture

This should be taught during training, but good posture is essential to preventing injuries, especially for lifting jobs. For example, a delivery driver who delivers heavy items like washing machines and refrigerators must be taught how to lift properly and effectively.

Use safety equipment

Again, something that should be provided within safety training. Staff should be made aware of the type of safety equipment available to them, how to use it and where to use it. This can include goggles and safety glasses, or gloves.

Keep emergency exits clear

It’s imperative that all emergency exits are kept clear of obstructions. In the event of a fire, emergency exits have to be clear in order to ensure workplace fire safety. Fire prevention in the workplace is important for safety. If an exit is blocked, it puts lives at risk if a fire breaks out.

Report unsafe conditions to management

If you have found an unsafe condition or area in the workplace, you should report it to management immediately so it can be rectified. Failure to report any health and safety issues in the workplace could result in yourself or somebody else getting injured.

Know your limits

It’s important to know your limits when working. Whatever sector you work in, whether it’s working with loud machinery, driving forklift trucks or lifting heavy items, you should always prioritise your health over your work. Don’t push your body too far or you risk injury.

Comply with company safety policies

Finally, any safety policies that have been put in place at your workplace must be adhered to. They have been put in place for a reason and that is to ensure yours and your colleagues’ safety while working.

Fire prevention in the workplace

To ensure excellent health and safety practices in the workplace, as well as fire safety, NW Fire Solutions’ expert services can help you.

Not only do we offer fire risk assessments but we can also provide your staff with fire marshal training. You can choose a number of employees to take part in this training to help improve your fire prevention in the workplace.

If you’d like to explore the services that NW Fire Solutions can offer your workplace, don’t hesitate to contact us on 0151 665 0124 or email us